
Brunel Conservatives

Connaught Rec Outdoor Gym a Huge Success       Following Brunel Councillors' influence an outdoor gym was installed in Connaught Recreation Ground in the summer.The exercise equipment has proved a huge success with local residents, many of whom would not like to be tied down to a private gym membership subsciption.  With the other facilities in the park, parents can use the facilities whilst their children use the nearby child's play area.

Cllr Michael Markham

Mike was elected a Councillor for the Ruislip Manor ward in 2006.

Since that time he has either Chaired, been a Deputy Chairman or a member of numerous committees including such policy overview committees covering the Residents and Environmental Services, Pensions and InvestMent Strategy, Standards, Planning and External Services. He was Deputy Whip from May 2009 to May 2011.Mike served as Mayor of Hillingdon from May 2012 to May 2013. He is Chairman of the Hillingdon Arts Association, the umbrella body for the voluntary arts movement in the borough.

Cllr Susan O'Brien

Susan is in her second term of office and was elected for Council in 2010 and re-elected in 2014 as a Councillor for Ruislip 'Manor' ward.