
Cllr Nick Denys

Nick was first elected as Councillor for Eastcote and East Ruislip on 22 May 2014.

Eastcote & East Ruislip Conservatives

The Ruislip website address is: College Running Track OpenedOn Tuesday 19 May the newly refurbished running track on Kings College Field was opened by the Mayor of Hillingdon. Almost £250k has been spent on upgrading this much used facility. The work included relaying the running track, improving the drainage in the infield area, and adding an outdoor gym.

Cllr Jonathan Bianco

Jonathan has been a councillor for 24 years after having lived in the area since 1984. He is well known for consistently opposing inappropriate housing development on our open spaces and Green Belt. As Cabinet Member for Finance, Jonathan is a driving force behind Hillingdon’s two years of ‘0’% Council Tax freeze for all residents.

Cllr John Morgan

John has lived in Northwood Hills since 1993, married to Fiona, they have one daughter who attends a local school. John was the former Chairman of the Northwood Hills Residents Association and is often seen walking or on his Triumph motorbike.